Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me!
Also Happy Birthday to Ivy(15), Marvin(17), Julian(20) and Priya(22) on this day!
Thank you all that came on friday to celebrate with me my 21st, and all those that couldn't, but still wished me as well.
Thank you all for (In the order recieved): My Laptop, the Slurping ape tee, the Absolut Vodka, the Laptop cover & Tee, the Les Choriste VCD & Handphone Keychain, the Ling Speakers, the Singapore Delights Cookbook & Mindless Eating Book, the Rose and Chocolates, the Cologne, the Wallet, The crocodile Polo Tee, the My Visit to Hell Book, the Takamine Guitar, the A Resilent Life Book and the 3 Angpows I recieved.
Thank you all so much. :)
I especialy want to thank the following:
Mum and Santi for working so hard with me to produce all the food
Dad, Mum, Auntie Christina and Uncle Boon Tiong for the Go-Ahead and the finances
Liqian for ponning orientation to help me prepare the food
Ren Hao for providing transport with his kangoo (I'm really sorry about the spilt red wine!)
Nicholas for the drink dispenser
ZP for his Mahjong tables and set
Liqian, Peter, Barry, Nigel, Nicholas, Shaun, T3S4 ppl for helping to BBQ the food (and all those who helped as well whom I did not see)
All the HQ 7SIB guys who helped me clean up (and all those who also help clean but whom I did not see)
All the choir people who help me "move out" the next day
And all that came :)

But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me
Micah 7:7