I am seriously worried! I am not sure if I have accidently not invited various people to my 21st. I sent out so many invitations and so many have not responded either with a negative, that i cannot keep track. so if you fall into one of the following and are reading this, please come.
4I + Cloudies
Siglap Alumni Choir
Farhan from MJ
Taurus 3 Section 4
Charlie 3 Section 1
IC2Spec 02/06
the whole of HQ7SIB Sig coy Past and Present (Esp all ASM, Junior Commanders, Senior Specialists and CPT Jethro)
NS Area
Highlife Leaders
PS2 + ML Leaders associated with PS2
Others that do not fall into these groups like laoshi, miss tan, family, etc...
I would also like to take this oppotunity to apologise to all those whom I have missed out like Jeremy, Adley, RAMANAN (P.S. Try not to grow too much mould on my bed), Shao Qin, etc...
A Second reminder, it is at Nethevaron Bungalow A & B, take bus 29 from tampines interchange or check the Aloha website for the shuttle bus schedule, or hitch a ride from someone who drives.
For those of you who have been asking what do I want, I only want one thing; to escape unscathed - i.e no weird stuff to eat/drink, poured on me, injuries of any kind (incl kenna whacked) and loss of hair. Thank you very much! :)
Due to so many people not replying, I am estimating an attendance of 50 people. If there are more, tough! Eat Zhi Char from changi Village. That is your punishment for not replying my message!
BW, in my previous pot, the last video (the one with the choir singing Irama Belia) is dedicated specially to the Sopranos (Vanessa & Sushan, and occasionally the alto defector Rebecca)

But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me
Micah 7:7