I have found all 82 bottles!!! I have included the list of 82 bottles at the bottom of this post. Don't scroll down beyond the "note" if you don't want any spoiler.
Note- it does not have to be actual absolut bottles, or bottles for that matter. It can be other types of bottles or items shaped to resemble bottles.
These are the 81 bottles that i have found so far
The Brown-Bricked Building on the Extreme right (starting from the Right, top to bottom)
1. The shower and shower curtain
2. The surfboard
3. The man’s wooden leg (in the same window as the surfboard)
4. The smoke from the stove
5. The woman’s body (in the same window with the smoke from the stove)
6. The birdcage
7. The cat’s body
8. In between the two burglar (with the dog policeman between them)
9. In between the moose’s antlers
10. The old man and his wife (in the same window as the moose)
The Green-Bricked Building directly next to The Brown-Bricked Building on the Extreme right, and the part of the Road directly in front of it (starting from the Right, top to bottom)
11. The flower wallpaper
12. The Scientist’s robot
13. The bouquet of flowers for the man in the full body cast
14. The shadow of the tied-up prisoner
15. In between the woman in a bikini and a suited man
16. An Absolut bottle on the table (in the same window with the woman in a bikini and the suited man)
17. In between the two violinists
18. In between an exercising woman and her reflection
19. In between the exercising woman’s legs
20. The main door
21. The staircase leading to the main door
22. A white bottle silhouette on the road
23. The yellow and black tape to cordon the area around the silhouette
24. In between the tin cans dragged behind the just married car
25. In between 2 white arrows, the “hotel” & “Joes” signboard
The Central Plaza and the Roads directly around it (starting at the bottom, Left to Right)
26. The man carrying a placard with a bikinied woman on it
27. In between the man and his jumping monkey
28. In between the man carrying a stereo on his shoulder and the breakdancer
29. The carriage which is horse-drawn
30. The zebra crossing
31. The water delivery truck and it’s reflection
32. The bottle on the front of the water delivery truck
33. The front of the old woman’s vespa
34. The stretch of road directly behind the water delivery truck, in between trees
35. The group of hippies
36. The man and all his dogs
37. The ice-cream cart
38. The water fountain
39. The old woman feeding the pigeons
40. The road in between the stretch limousine, the green , the red convertible and the yellow taxi
41. The road bordered by the boat with a man standing on the deck, the bulldozer and the blue car with a lightning bolt on its top
The Waterfront and the Sky above it (starting at the bottom, Right to Left)
42. The archway leading to the yacht club
43. The stretch of water bordered by the docked boats
44. The biggest main arch holding the bridge
45. The boat, bordered with yellow dots (presumably to resemble lights)
46. The sky bordered by the flying birds and a caped man
47. The sky bordered by smoke, a UFO and a falling cow
48. The sky bordered by the smoke from the aeroplane, the bridge arch and the monster
49. The lit building next to the monster
50. The flag saying “ABSOLUT SEARCH 82 BOTTLES TO FIND”
The Block just under the flag saying “ABSOLUT SEARCH 82 BOTTLES TO FIND” (Starting from the Top, Right to Left)
51. The statue of liberty
52. The domed building next to the statue of liberty
53. The graffiti under the statue of liberty
54. The lighted area on the wall around 3 windows, of which the top one is on fire
The Block on the Extreme Left with a Dinner Party on its Patio (Starting from the Top, Left to Right)
55. The peeling part of the wall (directly to the left of the window with a fire)
56. The pile of presents carried by the woman
57. The window lighted by the lamp
58. The man with a hat who is showing off his whole back, including his ass
59. The table, bordered by all the martini glasses
60. An Absolut bottle on the above mentioned table
61. The body of the woman kissing the man
The Building with the Fire Escape Ladders, in front of the Building on fire (the same building as the Museum of Natural history, but focusing on this side of the building first)
62. The hole in the road with a workman laying pipes in it
63. The entire side of the building
64. A workman holding a pipe at a door (next to the fire truck, above the hole in the road)
65. A man standing behind a board in the window (in between A workman holding a pipe at a door and the two bowing Asians)
66. Two bowing Asians wearing pointed hats
67. A signboard with a dragon on it, directly above the hot dog signboard
68. The doorway to the right of the hot dog signboard
69. The signboard with Chinese characters and an umbrella on it, directly to the left of the ovementioned doorway
70. The shadow of the posing woman
71. The fireplace of the black man wearing a leopard print jungle attire
72. The jukebox
73. The man wearing only his boxers, and a woman wearing a nightgown
74. A woman watering her plants, bordered by her plants
75. A cat and a mouse together
The Museum of Natural History (Starting from the Top, Left to Right)
76. The jaws of the dinosaur on the top floor
77. Each of the 3 ground floor windows
78. Each of the 3 ground floor windows
79. Each of the 3 ground floor windows
80. In between the woman in the blue dress and the dinosaur (within the first window)
81. In between the forelegs of the dinosaur skeleton (within the second window)
82. In between the Long-necked dinosaur, the long nosed dinosaur, the couch, the light and the window (within the third window)

But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me
Micah 7:7