I have to admit that me and my mum are not exactly the friendliest people to play scrabble with. our strength lies more in our ability to block each other than to form stunning words (BTW whistled in the first game is mine! Bingo on a triple word score!!!) Which is why our these 2 games have been dragging on for the past month! Many times we would log on, see the board, and then play something else, simply because we can't play anything. Looking at the second game, i could only play 2 letter words like yu, hi and qi on consecutive turns, because firstly there are very little to almost no places to place words, and secondly we can't play a lot of words as it woud open the board for other players.
I have also recently revived scramble on facebook, largely due to nicholas who challenged me to several games (Before proceeding to thrash me! what can i say as he won gold (medal i think) for playing boogle). I hope that i will be able to get all the scramble and scrabble out of my system by chinese new year. I will be a good student this semester! And that means no spending 4-5 hours playing scrabble in a row! :) CAP 4.0 here I come........