on a more sentimental note, i will really miss you guys!!!
I wan to appreciate all those who made my NSF Life more enjoyable. (note all pictures with name listings are left to right, back to front)
All my beloved armskotemen:adley, ang jun huan, wallace, ivan, jacky, samuel, talence & for a brief period of time, wei liang
i really appreciate all the hard work you have put in unselfishly, staying back long after others have booked out to close armskote, waiting for the DO as he close other armskotes, stores, eat dinner or sleeping (Jaya), braving warrant yeo's security checks, keep updating my records, getting specimen signatures etc.....I won't do too much in detail as you guys can read the letter i wrote you all. for the non-ORDed ones, stay strong for this year's LAB!!! you can do it!
my lovers/boyfriends/specs/ociffers: shao hui, qian qian, weiming, zhi guang, andrew, chong, glenn, ivan, joseph, chinyu & shaoqin
HQ7SIB Signal Company:
(SSG Sivamurugan, 2SG Joseph Yip Ee Wai, CPT Jethro Ooi, Me, 3SG Chng Shao Hui, MSG Ginny Liew, 3SG Chia Liqian & SSG Ramadoss Suresh)
(SSG Sivamurugan, 2SG Joseph Yip Ee Wai, CPT Jethro Ooi, Me, 3SG Chng Shao Hui & 3SG Chia Liqian)
Thanks for all the help. be it screwing vehicular sets or SQT Masts, covering CDS duties, slacking, going out for dinner, teaching me DOTA, playing Mahjong, watching movies n TV in koinonia, slacking etc... you guys made m life in 7SIB so much better.

Shao hui, I'm sorry we had to leave u at such a bad time, but i hope you will hang in there. i really appreciate all the time we just hang out, talking, gaying, u trying to make me horny by performing your sex rituals, etc... u were a good friend, someone to really talk to. i'm sorry i cannot help you any much more.
Weiming, thank you for all your help in planning stuff, i helping me make stuff happen when i could not. also for all the times u accompanied me when the others were in crescendo. i really appreciated that alot. thanks for just being a good friend and officer.

Lili, you are really a weird guy, and that's what we like about you. thanks for always covering my ass when i do something i'm not supposed to do, helping me take the guys for breakfast, covering my CDS dutied when i got something, etc... i wish you all the best in ur studies and your love life :)
Andrew, you really were a great PS, always watching out for me, and being such a great (and lame) friend. i hope your tour in 1GDS gets better. we should get together to play Mahjong sometime soon.
Signal Company Specs:
(Me, Glenn, Chong, Ivan & Liqian)
(Glenn, Chong & Ivan)
Zhiguang, Ivan, Glenn, Chong, Joseph & Shaoqin thanks for all the great time we had. when u guys were around, we really had a blast! thanks for teaching me how to play DOTA, setting up LAN in you-know-where, playing mahjong in you-know-where, going for dinner in geylang, katong, marine parade, etc..., hiding out in SIL playing you-know-what, surfing the net, hiding from the rest of the coy, watching movies in koinonia, etc...
Chinyu, i'm sure that you are a great guy, but i wish i had more time to get to know you. but thanks nevertheless
My brigade superiors: OC, CSM, Staff Jason, Staff Lim
Oc, thank you for having so much faith and trust in me, especially in the armskote. thank you for beliving in me in many aspect. i want to thank you for being such a great and inspiring leader who cares for his men.
CSM, thanks for being so slack with me, even when i did illegal things. thanks for watching out and protecting us so many times
staff jason, i did not work with you long, but i really learnt a lot from you and for that i really want to thank you
Staff lim, you were really one of the best commanders i had, understanding and fair with a great sense of humor. i was a pleasure working with you. i wish you all the best in your new career.
The store guys, especially Zaaki, Leong and Julio
you guys really helped me out all the time and i really appreciate it. very very much!
My mahjong kakis: Joseph, andrew, adley, eugene, kar keat, xiu ping
it was fun, but you guys shouldn't do it ever again
the rest of the men that i worked with, or hung around the smoking corner taking to, or go drinking with at home:joseph, kar keat, leong, nizam, percival, julian, wallace, alvin, ian lam, talance, weiming, nelson, ang jun huan, jenson, shan jie, wei tai, samuel, aanesh, julio, jeremy, hong wei, ryan, joshua, jeeva, eugene, xp, kai kiat, azmil, rashid, robson, zhi yong, andy, shan fa, liang jian, marcus, kelvin, shaun dominic, marcus yip, etc... forgive me if i forgot your name. i intend to put it in but forgot just as i was tping this
Also thank you: Fairuz for everything!, shaun, justin, casper, thomas, marcus, daryl, ding, ping yang, ling wei chang, shawn, sgt kim, ssg ang, ssg ivan, 2wo jennifer, lta kevin, jason, rama, ram, sgt desmond, sgt tan, mr loo, yy, bryan, 2wo yeo, 2wo yap, karthik, msg loh, gerald, dexter, and all in the brigade who helped me one way or the other
my super lame BMT Section: Bendy, Tian Ming, Kee Liang, Shu Qiang, Taufiq, Yi Quen, Zhen Yang, Victor, Asen, Shang Qi, Reynold and Alvin, & the lamest, slackest 3SG Cheng Shian Wen
Chinyu, i'm sure that you are a great guy, but i wish i had more time to get to know you. but thanks nevertheless
My brigade superiors: OC, CSM, Staff Jason, Staff Lim
Oc, thank you for having so much faith and trust in me, especially in the armskote. thank you for beliving in me in many aspect. i want to thank you for being such a great and inspiring leader who cares for his men.
CSM, thanks for being so slack with me, even when i did illegal things. thanks for watching out and protecting us so many times
staff jason, i did not work with you long, but i really learnt a lot from you and for that i really want to thank you
Staff lim, you were really one of the best commanders i had, understanding and fair with a great sense of humor. i was a pleasure working with you. i wish you all the best in your new career.
The store guys, especially Zaaki, Leong and Julio
you guys really helped me out all the time and i really appreciate it. very very much!
My mahjong kakis: Joseph, andrew, adley, eugene, kar keat, xiu ping
it was fun, but you guys shouldn't do it ever again
the rest of the men that i worked with, or hung around the smoking corner taking to, or go drinking with at home:joseph, kar keat, leong, nizam, percival, julian, wallace, alvin, ian lam, talance, weiming, nelson, ang jun huan, jenson, shan jie, wei tai, samuel, aanesh, julio, jeremy, hong wei, ryan, joshua, jeeva, eugene, xp, kai kiat, azmil, rashid, robson, zhi yong, andy, shan fa, liang jian, marcus, kelvin, shaun dominic, marcus yip, etc... forgive me if i forgot your name. i intend to put it in but forgot just as i was tping this
Also thank you: Fairuz for everything!, shaun, justin, casper, thomas, marcus, daryl, ding, ping yang, ling wei chang, shawn, sgt kim, ssg ang, ssg ivan, 2wo jennifer, lta kevin, jason, rama, ram, sgt desmond, sgt tan, mr loo, yy, bryan, 2wo yeo, 2wo yap, karthik, msg loh, gerald, dexter, and all in the brigade who helped me one way or the other
my super lame BMT Section: Bendy, Tian Ming, Kee Liang, Shu Qiang, Taufiq, Yi Quen, Zhen Yang, Victor, Asen, Shang Qi, Reynold and Alvin, & the lamest, slackest 3SG Cheng Shian Wen
(Bendy, Alvin, Me, Reynold, Shang Qi, Shu Qiang, Taufiq, Zhen Yang, Tian Ming, Asen & Yi Chuen)
(Shu Qiang, Alvin, Asen, Shang Qi, Reynold, Me, Kee Liang, Yi Chuen, Bendy, Taufiq & Zhen Yang)
i really wanna thank you guys for the best army experience ever. we were the lamest, most united, most on section ever. i remember how we click on the very first day liao, and met up even on the first book-out.
we (or rather alvin) was always the first to fall in, we always had the most number of fighting fit people (esp during the time where everyone except 2 section 2 people were on MC), always having our own chin-up and half squat regime when everyone else were enjoying their admin time, going for extra Ippt training at the track after last parade, having our chess tournaments (english, chinese and Jun Qi, all at once), how everyone liked hanging out in our bunk, siting on the wall next to our bunk during the black-out, constantly playing yes93.3 in bunk, videoing ourselves being lame, etc..... we really had fun
we (or rather alvin) was always the first to fall in, we always had the most number of fighting fit people (esp during the time where everyone except 2 section 2 people were on MC), always having our own chin-up and half squat regime when everyone else were enjoying their admin time, going for extra Ippt training at the track after last parade, having our chess tournaments (english, chinese and Jun Qi, all at once), how everyone liked hanging out in our bunk, siting on the wall next to our bunk during the black-out, constantly playing yes93.3 in bunk, videoing ourselves being lame, etc..... we really had fun
I remember kenna 'tau pok' during field camp coz it was my birthday
Thank you Kee liang for being such a responsible buddy, watching out for me
thank you shu qiang, for talking to long after lights out
Thank you zhenyang, asen, reynold, alvin, bendy & taufiq for being such good friends
Thank you sgt cheng for everything, including asking us to pretend being pumped during stand-by-bed, the long talks on philosophy during the route marches, the slacking and role-playing during field camp, etc... you really made BMT life infintely better.
thank you shu qiang, for talking to long after lights out
Thank you zhenyang, asen, reynold, alvin, bendy & taufiq for being such good friends
Thank you sgt cheng for everything, including asking us to pretend being pumped during stand-by-bed, the long talks on philosophy during the route marches, the slacking and role-playing during field camp, etc... you really made BMT life infintely better.
and of course, we have the 'rivalries' between the pussies and the cocksters, and of course we pussies rocks!!!!!
SI people: joseph, nixon, joel, jun wei, desmond, nicholas, eugene, daryl, wei liang, pierce, enxain, ren kun, ming hao, theophillius and slyvester
SI people: joseph, nixon, joel, jun wei, desmond, nicholas, eugene, daryl, wei liang, pierce, enxain, ren kun, ming hao, theophillius and slyvester
Half drunk at my house:
i have good memories of SI thanks to you guys
(Me, Joseph, Yin Ren, Kenneth, Samuel, Daryl, Justin, Marcus, Eugene, Nicholas & Nixon)
Thank you Nixon for being such a great buddy. i rmb us booking back in during nights out to play risk. i rmb playing chess, studying, prowling tgt talking at nights with joseph, eugene and nicholas etc...
Thanks Joseph for also being such a good friend, constantly hanging out, actually studying for endurance together, talking about girls....
Thank you Nicholas, daryl and eugene for all the laughter and fun. you guys are really the lamest.
Thank you yin ren also for being a friend, though sometimes you can give me a headache by being so cheem, but it was a fresh breath of air talking to you about poetry and literature & film in camp
Bunk 4, even though i failed the "induction program" i really had a great time hanging out with you guys, playing mahjong, daidee, bridge, or just hanging out talking, eating snacks out of your really very well stocked cupboards. thanks pierce, jun wei, ren kun, enxian, joel and desmond
Jun wei and ming hao, thank you for really pushing me during endurance. i donno i i would have finished it without you guys.
Joel and weiliang, i really want to thank you guys as well, for inspiring and recharging me spiritually on almost a daily basis. i really appreciate all those meetings we had.
I also wanna thank theophillius and sylvester for all the help in coordinating the prayer meetings in camp.
Thank you Sgt Zavier for having our best interest, fighting for us, protecting us all the time, and being such a good sgt and commander.
thank you john andrews for all you help in preparing us for life after SI. thank you for all th references you continued to send me in unit
Sispec sect 1: desmond, zhihao, mark, jeremy koh, jeremy tan, guoxi, adamson, and especially warrant sam and Sgt chua
Thanks Joseph for also being such a good friend, constantly hanging out, actually studying for endurance together, talking about girls....
Thank you Nicholas, daryl and eugene for all the laughter and fun. you guys are really the lamest.
Thank you yin ren also for being a friend, though sometimes you can give me a headache by being so cheem, but it was a fresh breath of air talking to you about poetry and literature & film in camp
Bunk 4, even though i failed the "induction program" i really had a great time hanging out with you guys, playing mahjong, daidee, bridge, or just hanging out talking, eating snacks out of your really very well stocked cupboards. thanks pierce, jun wei, ren kun, enxian, joel and desmond
Jun wei and ming hao, thank you for really pushing me during endurance. i donno i i would have finished it without you guys.
Joel and weiliang, i really want to thank you guys as well, for inspiring and recharging me spiritually on almost a daily basis. i really appreciate all those meetings we had.
I also wanna thank theophillius and sylvester for all the help in coordinating the prayer meetings in camp.
Thank you Sgt Zavier for having our best interest, fighting for us, protecting us all the time, and being such a good sgt and commander.
thank you john andrews for all you help in preparing us for life after SI. thank you for all th references you continued to send me in unit
Sispec sect 1: desmond, zhihao, mark, jeremy koh, jeremy tan, guoxi, adamson, and especially warrant sam and Sgt chua
(1st Picture: Desmond, Mark, Adamson, Jeremy Koh (Mykoh), Zi Hao, Me, Guoxi & Desmond Han)
warrant sam and sgt chua, you really made it possible to pass out from sispec, because without you to, i don't think i could ever survive charlie and sispec
Desmond, though we always "fight" and insult each other, thank you for being such a good bed buddy and friend. i hope you will fully recover.
mark, i like you alot for your blunt straightfordness and no-nonsense approach. don't change.
mykoh and zhihao, you guys really made life so much easier with laughter (and sausages) thanks a lot. same for guoxi, adamson and jeremy tan
mytan, without you i don't think i can complete nutcracker. thanks for digging most of my firetrench.
If your name is not here, please tag and i will include it. :)
Desmond, though we always "fight" and insult each other, thank you for being such a good bed buddy and friend. i hope you will fully recover.
mark, i like you alot for your blunt straightfordness and no-nonsense approach. don't change.
mykoh and zhihao, you guys really made life so much easier with laughter (and sausages) thanks a lot. same for guoxi, adamson and jeremy tan
mytan, without you i don't think i can complete nutcracker. thanks for digging most of my firetrench.
If your name is not here, please tag and i will include it. :)