Looking back, i really missed primary school, especially after bit by bit finding pieces that were lost.
i'm sad i can't even remember 1 of the guys' names i always used to hang out with during kindergarten. i remember 1 of the is vincent.
i remember how i got so angry coz everyone in kindergarten had to call me marcus huang coz there was another marcus ng
i remember how i was very excited about a dressing-up in different costume competetion during the kindergarten opening ceremony, but when
i was selected to represent the kindergarten to hold the golden platter with the golden scissors for the minister to cut the ribbon,
i was happy, but i was very envious that day when i could not take part in the activities.
i remember always playing with desmond and billy in my house, how we had a sort of mickey mouse club in my mickey mouse tent.
i remember everyday going to the grass patch below billy's house to call billy and gina, and my sister would call faris and sherine and the 7 of us (incl desmond who lived next door to me) would play
i remember having origami competitions, where the judge, my sister was bias and did not want me to win, but i outsmarted her by switching my piece with billy.
i remember going to desmond's house to play some make-believe stories with my sister.
i remember my favourite wheelbarrow which i used as a chair i remembered how
i and billy used to bully desmond in monkey
i remember how in TPS, i used to lead the school in the great singapore workout, which we did every monday, wednesday and friday after school n the carpark.
i remember how i would go to desmond's house everyday after school to watch sesame street
i remember how excited i was to move house at the end of primary 1, but sad to leave my friends
i remember how iused to visit billy to play with his power ranger toys.
i remember being in miss gei's class, how she always let us cut lessons to train for the sports day.
i remember sitting next to angela and keng wai, and how angela and i would try to evengelise to him, but he wouldn't care
i remember 3rd in class, and recieving a book prize, but still not being able to go to the best class with billy
i remember acting in aladin in pri 3, which alot of people still remember me for
i remember all those in my group in pri 3 bun rith, the cambodian guy ya fang raman, who had a twin brother, who always copies from me
i remember performing the song by the shampoos for teacher's day with xueting and a whole bunch of ppl
i remember going to choir with all my good friends, billy, choon teck, desmond, xue ting.
i remember how someone threw a rock at my head by accident, though i can't remember who
i remember all those from my pri 3 class: royston, rafiel, shazeleen, rohaliza, yafang, bun rith, raman, sheng yi etc... i'm really sad i can remember so many people and not their names like the guy in my group that came halfway and was so funny; the guys in my pri 1 chinese class, where we always crapped alot coz our chinese teacher was an old man which we could take advantage of; the girl which i was good friends of that i used to call lor mee. coz her surname was loh or lor; the group of people in my bus, which we talked alot about everything and were quite close; the group of people which i used to always play zeropoint and hopscotch with.; the group of people which i used to play ghosthunters with, exploring the haunted places in school
i remember sheng yi, the guy in my class that also performed in the teacher's day concert, that was very smart. he got into the second round of the gifted exams as well.
i remember we used to go to his house to practice for the performance, but ended up watching the magic schoolbus.
i remember how we printed and made banners for the performance, and never used it.
i remember how he was one of the only ones to call me after i transfered school to ask how i've been
i miss the days where we were all so carefree
i remember uncle Ah bee, our bus driver, who used to bring us to his house and give us sweets
i am so sad that i did not make the effort to keep in touch with my dear friends in TPS, ppl like lor mee, billy, desmond, choon teck, xue ting and all other.
i am so ashamed fo bullying desmond and often looking down on him
i really miss them. alot
i remember my first day in rosyth, how wierd it felt, like i'm suposed to be somewhere else
i remember my friends from 4A7, ppl like keefe and ng jian
i remember joining the maths and science club, and spending so much time weeding my plant patch
i remember how devasted i was when i was the only one going to 5BD, when every one else was going to 5BE or EM1
i remember my close friends in pri 5: yen seng, tien en, hong wei
i remember playing police and thieves and catching in parry primary school's field.
i remember playing hide and seek and hiding in a deserted school block of parry primary, and no one found me
i remember winning the evian drama competion with ervin, hong wei, david, and i can't remember the fifth guy
i remember joining the the chess competition and only won 2 out of seven games
i remember participating against all the gifted people like andre and emerging 7th individually and 3rd team for the intraschool maths competition
i remember making alot of vey good friends in pri 6, which i kept in contact for quite a while: hendric, kai xuan, erin, janice, nicholas, alex, xavier, celine, jek bao, valerie, edwin, yili etc...
i remember i always used to mix janice with another girl
i remember how we used to play soccer with a plastic bottle in school
i remember how we used to had loads of fun in the school bus with keefe, tricia, ngjian, valerie, aisha, erwin, etc
i remember how we even managed to play catching and blind mice on the bus
i remember how nice uncle simon was to all of us, and even always stopping at the mama shop near school to let us buy stuff
i remember how keefe, ng jian and i always ate the brown curry twisties
i remember how much fun we had in school after PSLE, how we always go to the playground near behind the school, near the japanese cemetry
i remember going to celine's house after school to make stars for our class's notice board
i remember how hendric, kai xuan, yili and i would sit on the floor at the back of the classroom and talk, while the whole class were playing games
i remember the china trip where we really had loads of fun
i remember how i taught hendric they all how to play mahjong on the carpet of our hotel room
i remember how we gave the stuffed panda hendric got for me a bath.
i remember how excited i was in showing my family my new mahjong set which i bought in china, that i did not realised the catch was undone and all the mahjong tiles spilled all over the airport arrival floor.
even after going to secondary school, i still kept in contact with hendric, often going out together, but after a while i guess we lost touch. so good to see him again after so long at the recent commissioning parade.
life is constantly moving, but it's nice to often sit down and reflect on the good times.
my life in siglap is so different from rosyth. in rosyth i was not so active.
one of my regrets is not doing well enough to go to a better school like VS instead of siglap. but often i wonder if anything would change? if everything would change?
i guess if i were in VS i might not be as motivated as in siglap. and i would not have so much oppotunities as in siglap.
i remember in sec 1, alvin, eunice and i were very close. we were xiong di jie mei.
i remember eunice was my mei but can't remember if alvin was my di or ge.
i remember my pact with alvin and diana to go VJC together. i guess that all 3 of us didn't make it.
i remember back then we were very childish, often doing stupid things.
i remember always passing notes in class, with those yet to be cloud nine like aisha, diana, eunice, trena, vicky, etc.... we would pass around foolscap paper mimicing a mIRC chat room. it was when vanessa was taller than all the boys in class.
i remember how we keep chionging to be the best class in the school, and how close we were in sec1. during racial harmony day, our class had best decoration.
i remember how we made a few teachers cry, and i'm sorry. i'm sorry for those teachers i've hurt because i thought i was smarter
I remember how in sec 2, in Miss Teoh's class we still stayed on the ground floor even though all the other classes were on the second floor.
i remember how me, alvin diana and natalie always stuck toghter. and i'm not sure if you three can remember, but i remember spastic sugary.
i remember all the fun times we had just slacking around.
i remember how crazy we were about DDR and Para Para
i remember alvin, trena n vicky and i think a few other dragging me to downtown east arcade after school even though i had afternoon chinese remedial classes.
i remember rushing back alone because you all passed your chinese and don't need to come for it
i remember how alvin, jonathan and i often had afternoon classes, and sometimes we didn't want to eat in the canteen, so we went to elias mall, and once how we were late and climbed over the back gate.
i remember wasting so much money on Para.
i remember all the lame guys like Giri, jonathan, han bin sugi, etc...
i remember how we finally won best class. then we all moved to the top floor.
i remember keep falling asleep during Mr Azam's physics lessons.
i remember slacking in class after school
i remember that with my long pants with giant pockets, i could smuggle tons of food and even 3 bottles in each pocket to class
i remember the huge fight we had, between me, alvin felishya and ginli over some project.
i remember going to the study corner almost every recess with chee ken to do work or slack. and when the study corner was gone, we went to the library.
i remember how hazel, the libarian always let us there, even though she forbade any1 else.
i remember as a class, we always found many hiding places to hide our handphones like outside the window sill, in the OHP, in the teacher's table drawer, in one of the roof tiles and in the circuit breaker box.
There are so many memories about secondary school that i can't remember all at one shot.
i remember all the times we had fun singing in choir.
i remember that i was initially disappointed because i wanted to go wushu (1st choice), band (2nd choice) and photography (3rd Choice).
i remember wasting a ton of money on WWE cards with the choir guys.
i remember in sec 2 how busy we were, with NDP, SYF, C'est La Vie, Voices In Harmony, PAYM, Honours day, National Day, etc.... we just kept singing and singing and singing.
i remember having choir practice in the library and how ironic that was.
i remember how after NDP, we start calling ourselves the chinese BSB, with nick as nick, nel as brian, zp as howie, geo as kevin, and i as AJ den
i remember that the girls also formed a group called double R double S - see ngee, shushan, rebecca and rujiao.
i remember buying that giant snoopy for Miss Tan on her birthday.
i remember once we had a BBQ at my place, and we sat by the poolside and talked. nick, nel, zp, geo, RRSS, shu hiang, vanessa and maybeline.
So many memories. So many things that i want to remember but seem to forget. please tag about memories we share

But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me
Micah 7:7