This is the post that accompanied the video in Youtube
If you have missed the message of forgiveness and reconciliation in the Bible, you've missed the whole point. The world says forgive, but never forget. Those memories build, expand, torture, leaving an unforgiving bitter heart. BUT GOD has another plan. God says forgive, forget, and reconcile. This is the character of God, and the character He desires in us, for our own benefit. Forgiveness is forgetting, placing the wrong on the ocean floor. This enables us to enJOY the fellowship of the Lord, and enables us to have that agape love for each other. Satan says divide and conquer, choose sides, live in the past, never forget and make your misery your god. The Lord God Almighty says Love one another, follow in My Ways, live in My Will, honor My Commandments, THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU. Until you follow His will, God will continue to drop you to your knees. When bad things happen, do you react with despair and depression? The world says you are bi-polar, depressed, chemically imbalanced. God says you are His Desire, His creation, made in His image, and SO LOVED that He nailed His only child to a cross to HEAL YOUR DEPRESSION. The stripes He bore were for you. The "stripes" you bear throughout your life were allowed by God IN ORDER TO BRING YOU TO HIS MERCY, to correct and instruct you, to humble you, and to produce fruit for His glory. Or did Christ die needlessly? Is God not in control of all? Grow up, baby christians. See the Lord, that He is good, that you wear His name, that you represent Him, and "Let God" be soveriegn in all. Quit getting in His way to heal you by clinging to your little spirit of depression and never truly forgiving others or yourself. You are responsible for your own problems, and your own actions, and perhaps you have continued to blame others for your depression. Get over it and get out of God's way, stumbling block! Pray for God to lift that spirit of unforgiveness from your heart. Quit trying to get other people to take sides with you in your misery, causing more of Satan's tools of division. You want to know God's will? Read the Instructions. Love God. Love one another. Praise the Lord. Sing and shout for JOY! That is so opposite of depression and misery. No one can take away my JOY because Jesus Christ is Lord, and only in Him can there be found FULLNESS of JOY!
So sadness, even grief, cannot separate us from the LOVE which is IN Christ. If you focus on blaming all of your problems in life on someone else or your childhood, you will stay depressed and God will take action. Every action causes a reaction. God looks at how we react to life from the time we are of age (bar-mitzvah age), and holds us responsible for our own actions, or lack thereof. Our parents are responsible for us until we are of age, then it is we ourselves who are responsible to God. It's time to put away childish things and live in God's grace and love. It's time to "allow" God to be Lord of all.
This isn't a prayer request, this is an action request:
Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO! Please rate and distribute this video as much as the Lord leads you. You can help spread God's Word to others, and plant seeds for our Redeemer to grow, by rating this (evidently the more ratings, views, comments, number of times added to favorites, and # of subscribers, the higher the percentage is for more exposure ... for HIM). If you think this message is GOOD NEWS, please say so ;-) Other videos are also available.
And this is my prayer for YOU all each and every day:
HEY! JUDE 24 & 25:
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy,
"to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen."

But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me
Micah 7:7